Books from the very start.

This wonderful young man has been surrounded by books from birth. He is now 10 years old and an avid reader who reads well above his age level. Young Master J is a child of the digital age and is at home on a tablet or at a computer. It is a delight to see him choose to read a book over playing a game. He makes regular use of the library and will be a bibliophile for life. I wish him endless hours of happiness as he continues his page-turning journies through fact and fiction.

in response to The weekly Travel Theme Challenge – Books

Yoroshiku Onegai shimasuimages (1)


9 responses to “Books from the very start.

  1. Pingback: Wordless Wednesday | Zimmerbitch·

  2. Scarface Claw! My son loved the Hairy McClary books too. Reading is such a great bonding activity with kids and sets them up to discover worlds beyond ordinary imagining.


  3. I grew up in a family of readers. Of course, there weren’t the digital distractions then and we didn’t even get a TV until I was in high school. When our girls were young, we read to them all the time. I imagine they’re more into the digital, as it’s difficult not to be pulled in these days, but hopefully they still enjoy reading a real book. I know I’m still surrounded by piles of library books at all times. 🙂


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