#238 Cooking

This is my latest post on my photographic blog. Usually, it is just a photo with not too much of a spiel but today I really wanted to share with you, this wonderful project being run by two amazing ladies. I hope you will consider contributing to their cause. Even the smallest donation can make a very big difference to women’s lives in this community..

You Inspire Me


In 2014 I visited Zanzibar. I love to check out local cuisine and if possible love to take part in cooking classes wherever I travel. Food is such a reflection of local culture and a wonderful way to meet new people and learn about their customs and life. Today’s inspiration comes courtesy of Lutfia and Shara,  amazing women who run an excellent cooking class in Zanzibar. These ladies are not only cooking teachers but  highly motivated individuals with a great sense of community spirit. They are attempting to publish a cook book. The profits will go towards improving conditions for women and helping them develop businesses which help them became financially stable and independent.

In order to achieve their goal, they are attempting to crowd fund through Fund Anything. Please check out this link. Even a small donation means so much to these wonderful ladies. If you are looking for a…

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