Abroad and Afloat

Abroad and  Afloat

I find myself living abroad in a foreign country, immersed in a foreign culture and communicating in a foreign language.

There are times where I feel the country I am in is safe like a lifeboat but I am afloat, very isolated and a little lonely for those I love, my family.

From a distance, while afloat, lighthouses and my family represent safety. Just like a ship is guided and supported by a lighthouse, I know I always have my family’s support and know guidance is there if asked for. My family are my lighthouse, they are my beacon and will always guide me safely home.

Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasuimages (1)


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Afloat.”

Photo: Boso Peninsula, Chiba, Japan

4 responses to “Abroad and Afloat

  1. Pingback: On the way to Halong Bay- Vietnam. | nihongojapango·

  2. Pingback: Ed Paschke | litadoolan·

  3. Pingback: Afloat | My Atheist Blog·

  4. Pingback: Photo Challenge; Afloat | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice·

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