So much for an early night!

I read S.D Gates “allergic to the letter e” Challenge and I had to give it a go.

Here are the rules that I had to follow in order to meet this challenge.

1) Write a whole paragraph without any words containing the letter “e” even once.

2) By reading this, you are already signed up.

3) Challenge at least five bloggers to do the challenge. They must do it within 24 hours or it is considered as failure.

4) If you fail or pass, suffer in the Page of Lame.

5) If you win, wallow in the Page of Fame.

Like S.D Gates I have not nominated any one but I’d love it if you want to give it a go!

While S.D.G managed to write 2 paragraphs and actually tell a story mine started along the lines of rambling rubbish with no literary, informative, philosophical value but then I found a photo I took today and decided to write about that. Here we go. no more “e”s I am quoting myself here!

Oh my giddy aunt!

What shall I put in this post?. How to show my thoughts without using you know what. So difficult I think. Can I do it? S.D.G did and what an amazing job, a story told, all without you know what. Just follow this link. It’s a hard task. Will this do? This culmination of words, a paragraph of total rambling rubbish, or as S.D.G says “maniacal ruminations” but wait! a topic pops to mind – Today’s photo.


A subway map of Tokyo

A colourful map, It’s a confusion of colour zigzagging across Japan’s capital, Tokyo. A mish mash of funny sounding stations. Confusing? No! Follow the map! Still lost? Not a worry. Kind humans or a station chap will assist you and point you on your way. Good luck to you!  You should nail it and show up  alright!. Sayounara! That’s all folks!

Yoroshiku Onegai shimasuimages (1)


12 responses to “So much for an early night!

    • Thanks Carolyn. I had a bit of fun with this one. took longer than I thought! that letter e can be quite and insistent wee thing and wanted to come on this particular subway ride!


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