Thursay Doors. #5 World Trip


I arrived home in NZ last night around midnight. It’s good to be home with family. Christmas and New Year are summer here at home but 4 years ago I was in Chicago. It was very cold and snowy. The city however is warm and vibrant. There was so much to see and do. Culture is well and thriving in Chicago. I visited many fabulous art galleries and museums. The architecture and buildings were superb.

One of the great things about travel is the people you meet. My hosts were the Terrys. They too were fellow Habitat for Humanity volunteers in Vietnam. They were so welcoming and helped me make the most of my time in Chicago. I would love to return for a summer visit sometime.  Over the years many of my fellow travellers have visited me in NZ or Japan and I them, in their home countries. We have an open door policy!

So back to Chicago doors! Being Christmas here at home, it seems appropriate to start today’s post by wishing you all the best for the festive season and a very Happy New Year, with this Christmas gate.

5 Chicago (7)

Merry Christmas!

5 Chicago (5).JPG

It is not Santa’s reindeer but without wanting to sound sacrilegious, could I just say “Holy Cow!”

Best wishes to you all. May all the doors you pass through today be warm and welcoming. xxxxx

In response to Norm 2.0‘s Thursday Doors

Yoroshiku Onegai shimasuimages (1)


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