Travel Theme – Tangle

Vietnam is one of my favourite destinations. I have been 3 times and each trip has been very unique in its own way. In Dec 2008 I visited Hue before taking part in a Habitat for Humanity Build.

These ladies were doing very fine embroidery work and what amazed me just as much as the intricate, complex nature and beauty of their work was the lack of tangle!

Any attempt I make at handicrafts such as crochet, knitting, cross stitch or tapestry end in a colossal tangle, inevitable swear words and often abandoned projects!

They worked together as a team, they were nimble, fast and accurate. A smooth operation, no tangles here!

In response to Where’s My Backpack? – Tangle

Yoroshiku Onegai shimasuimages (1)


3 responses to “Travel Theme – Tangle

  1. Pingback: Fabric and Textiles | NihongoJapango·

  2. Pingback: Travel Theme – Modern | nihongojapango·

  3. Pingback: Travel Theme-Tangle | WoollyMuses·

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