Masks of the Moros y Cristianos Festival

The Moros y Cristianos Fiesta in Alcoy, Spain is an annual event. It is held in April every year. A total of 28 armies do battle and for the people of Alcoy, this fiesta is a serious event. I can not begin to conceive the level of planning that must happen from year to year. The number of people involved and the costumes are staggering!

My friends and I booked accommodation in Alicante as it is very difficult to get a place to stay in Alcoy during the festival. We attended the grand parade. It was amazing. I took masses of photos and here is a selection of those containing masks in their various forms, face paint, armour, facial hair and scarves.

In response to Ailsa’s Weekley Travel Theme Challenge

Yoroshiku Onegai shimasuimages (1)



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