
State of mind

State of New York

Empire State Building

All culminated in an Andy Warhol state of mind.

with Billy Joel playing New York State of Mind in the  background

and then ……..


I realised this is the Chrysler Building!

Never mind, it is indicative of my state of mind at the moment,


I found myself inadvertently applying my hair product to my face yesterday morning!

but anyway it still puts me in a “New York  State of Mind”

In Response to The Daily Post’s Weekly Challenge – State of Mind

Photos jiggled about with the free app, Pic Monkey.

Yoroshiku Onegai shimasuimages (1)



4 responses to “Confused!

  1. That’s so funny! Back in 1995 Brendan and I spent 15 minutes in the foyer of the Chrysler building trying to work out how to get to the top of the Empire State Building! Same daaa…h!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep American Iconic landmarks! My friend and I were very excited to get our first glimpse of the Golden Gate bridge. Snapped lots of pictures only to realise when we found the the real thing we have been taking photos of the Oakland Bridge!


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: State of Mind – RobdPhotographer·

  3. Pingback: WPC: State of Mind (From The Eye) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?·

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